Work Injury Benefit Act (WIBA)

This policy is compulsory enacted by the law. WIBA steps in to lift the employer’s financial obligation under the Work Injury Benefit Act to compensate workers Injured out of and in the course of employment.

It includes:

  • Cost of medical care/Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages for injured employees and
  • Benefits for dependents of persons killed in work related accidents

The Benefits stipulated in WIBA are

  • Death 8 Years Earnings
  • PTD (Permanent Total Disability) 8 Years Earnings
  • TTD (Temporary Total Disability) Actual weekly Earnings max.104 weeks
  • Medical Expenses Kshs100,000 per person
  • Funeral Expenses Kshs30,000/= per person
  • Artificial Appliances
  • Life Assistant benefit (actual amount awarded)

WIBA only applies when one is at work, however the cover can be enhanced by adding a group personal accident to 24 hours coverage i.e. at work and off work.

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